
How To Use Caulk Without Gun

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How to use a caulk gun in half-dozen easy steps

A pair of hands using a caulk gun to apply caulk to a bathtub

A caulk gun is a uncomplicated tool that uses a trigger to apply the sealant.
lucentius/Getty Images
  • Caulk guns make it easy to create a waterproof seal around sinks, windows, tubs, and more than.
  • Make sure you are using the right blazon of caulk for the job — like silicone caulk for bathrooms.
  • Caulk guns dispense the product neatly and without waste product.

Caulk is a waterproof sealant used to fill in cracks and gaps around sinks, tubs, windows, counters, and more than in your home. Depending on the type of caulk you apply, you can as well use information technology outdoors to seal siding, concrete, and masonry.

Using a caulk gun might seem intimidating if yous are inexperienced with home comeback. You might have visions of spewing sealant over everything but the bodily opening you are trying to seal. But a caulk gun is quite uncomplicated to load and employ.

"Caulking guns have evolved over the years," says George Esposito, owner of Canal Kitchens in Staten Island, NY. He notes that with older models, unless you remember to pull back on the rod, the caulk will keep to flow. "[Manufacturers] make guns today that when you lot release the trigger, the plunger automatically backs up and will not forcefulness the product to ooze out," he says.

Because a caulking tool is so easy to use, applying caulk is an like shooting fish in a barrel DIY project for beginners and just requires the right blazon of caulk, an cheap caulking gun, and a little practice.

How to choose the correct type of caulk

Use rubber or silicone caulk on aluminum gutters.
kali9/Getty Images
  • Rubber (butyl) caulk: Appropriate for outdoor use equally filler for asphalt, aluminum gutters, and roof flashing. To clean up excess, use mineral spirits, an inexpensive, petroleum-based material that works as a paint thinner. Note: The solvents in rubber caulk are highly toxic and flammable, so practise non utilise them indoors.
  • Latex caulk (including vinyl latex and acrylic latex, also known as painter'southward caulk): Good for merely about all interior sealing needs and some outside applications, like siding and trim. It'due south piece of cake to use and needs only a moisture rag for cleanup. Latex caulk comes in a variety of colors to match the connecting materials. It tin can likewise be painted.
  • Silicone caulk: All-time for sinks, tubs, and showers, too every bit a domicile's exterior and aluminum gutters. Information technology's also good for apply on drinking glass and other nonporous materials. Just water-based silicone can be painted, and cleanup requires employ of mineral spirits.
  • Polyurethane sealant: Ideal for use on windows, vinyl siding, concrete, and masonry. Information technology is stronger than silicone, resists shrinking, and can be painted or stained. It tin exist difficult to utilise, though, and mineral spirits or a solvent is required for cleanup.

Insider'southward takeaway

It's easy to get a handle for using a caulk gun. Sealing up joints, cracks, or other gaps in your home can certainly be a DIY projection even for a beginner, provided y'all utilize the correct type of caulk. If you are unsure, talk to an acquaintance at the hardware store about the nature of your project then you can purchase the right sealant for the job.

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