
During The Relative Refractory Period


The refractory period of a neuron is the time in which a nervus prison cell is unable to fire an action potential (nerve impulse). Two subsets exist in terms of neurons: accented refractory menstruation and relative refractory menses. The commencement describes the inability to send a new impulse when sodium channels preceding this impulse are inactivated. Relative refractory periods depict an interval immediately post-obit the absolute type, where a second impulse is merely inhibited. Yet, transmitting this 2d impulse is possible just but if the stimulus is great plenty.

refractory period

What is Refractory Period?

To empathise the refractory menses, you need to know about how electrical letters are transferred from nervus prison cell to nerve cell or from nerve cell to other tissue cells.

Action Potentials

Neurons are integral to the central and peripheral nervous systems. A typical neuron is equanimous of a soma (cell body), dendrites, and an axon. There are many different types of nerve jail cell; a generic neuron receives chemic signals via neurotransmitters arriving at the dendrites and forwards these signals downwardly the axon to the next cell by way of electrical impulses.

neuron action potential axon dendrite soma schwann cell membrane potential
How the activity potential moves along a generic neuron

Dendrites can be imagined as tree branches that absorb free energy and nutrients from the surround. The branches ship energy (and nutrients) along the body of the tree – the axon.

Neurons are electrically-excitable cells. When stimulated, the voltage along the cell membrane changes one section at a time in the direction of the target cell. When a neuron is stimulated, the subsequent voltage change moves forth the axon. This voltage change is called an action potential.

Once an activity potential reaches the finish of the axon at a place called the final, that neuron releases neurotransmitters (chemicals) to the next neuron or target jail cell – often a muscle cell. If the target cell is another neuron, this absorbs signaling neurotransmitters via the dendrites.

Between the final of the previous neuron and the dendrite of the next is a gap called the synaptic scissure. Neurotransmitters must bladder beyond this gap to forward a bulletin. These chemical messages either excite or inhibit the receiving neuron. If excited, the receiving neuron generates an activity potential of its own.

Ion Channels

An axon has multiple channels running through its membrane. These include sodium (Na+) and potassium (K+) ion channels. Electrical charges or chemical signaling open up and close these channels.

ion channels potassium sodium pump action potential refractory period
Potassium and sodium ions generate membrane voltage changes

As ion channels open or close, the electrical charge on the inside and outside surfaces of the neuron membrane changes. This does non occur all at once but department by department.

In myelinated neurons where the cell membrane is covered by a thick protein sheath, this is non possible. The sheath would stop ion channels from performance if they were placed under such a thick covering. Instead, changes in membrane voltage continue to be transmitted by ion channels located at the nodes of Ranvier – unmyelinated areas. With a different concentration of ions within and outside the neuronal cytoplasm, ions are encouraged to movement in or out of the cell to accomplish equilibrium.

When Na+ channels open at the start of an action potential, Na+ ions from outside the cell flood in; that role of the neuron becomes positively charged. When Thou+ channels open up, Yard+ ions from within the jail cell flood out, and that function of the neuron membrane becomes more negatively charged. It is these mechanisms that change the voltage of the cell membrane.

An action potential rarely travels astern thanks to the refractory period. Once ion channels have airtight, they demand time to reopen. This means that the negative charge produced at one signal of the cell membrane is attracted by the positive charge of the adjacent portion. The negative accuse stimulates a reaction from the next group of ion channels and the action potential travels along the axon.

Action Potential Phases

At resting country (resting potential), the inside of the neuron that lies close to the membrane is more negative than its extracellular surroundings. Typically, the voltage of a resting neuron is -60 to -70 millivolts (mV). This voltage fluctuates according to the strength of an incoming stimulus. However, for a neuron to transmit an action potential, the intracellular space closest to the membrane must first reach a threshold level of 55 mV. If this is not accomplished, an activity potential cannot exist initiated.

action potential resting polarization depolarization hyperpolarization refractory period
Different voltages of the action potential

Once the intracellular side of the neuron membrane reaches 55mV, Na+ ion channels positioned closest to the dendrites open. Sodium ions enter the cell; the surrounding intracellular space becomes more positively charged. This is called the depolarization stage. Depolarization occurs along the axon in a wave-like class. This phase describes the membrane potential becoming more positive than the resting state.

Recall that sodium ions are most unremarkably positioned outside the membrane and when they enter the neuron their positive charges increase that part of the membrane within the cell; positively-charged potassium ions are most commonly found inside the cell and when they flood out, the inner side of the membrane becomes more negatively charged.

Once the intracellular voltage of the neuron reaches approximately +30mV, Na+ ion channels in that office of the membrane start to close and K+ ion channels open.

Potassium ions inundation out of the neuron and into the extracellular space. This is the repolarization phase. Again, repolarization occurs in waves along the axon membrane. This phase describes the membrane potential becoming more negative than during depolarization.

As with all neurological pathways, the on-off switch is non infallible; instead of stopping immediately as resting potential is achieved, ions continue to move through their channels for a very short fourth dimension. During this catamenia, that part of the membrane becomes hyperpolarized – more than negative than resting potential.

At the hyperpolarization stage or overshoot phase, the inside surface of the neuron membrane reaches a voltage of approximately -seventy to -75mV. Simply once all of the potassium ion channels have airtight can resting-state values exist achieved.

gated channels voltag action potential refractory period neuron
Gated channels open and close upon stimuli such equally voltage changes

Absolute vs Relative Refractory Period

With the to a higher place information, it is at present possible to understand the divergence between the absolute refractory period and relative refractory period. In terms of an activeness potential, refractory periods foreclose the overlapping of stimuli.

In theory, each activeness potential requires around ane millisecond to be transmitted. This ways we could expect a single axon to frontward at to the lowest degree one thousand activeness potentials every second; in reality, this number is much lower. The absolute refractory menses lasts for approximately one millisecond; the relative refractory period takes approximately two milliseconds.

action potentials neurons firing axon soma dendrite neurotransmitters
Neurons – action potential firing machines

Multiple action potentials do non occur in the same neuron at exactly the same time. This is because a neuron experiences ii unlike situations in which information technology is either impossible or difficult to initiate a 2d action potential. These two situations draw the two types of refractory periods.

During the depolarization stage when Na+ ion channels are open up, no subsequent stimulus tin create a further event. An ion channel does non open by degrees – it is either open or closed. This is the absolute refractory period (ARP) of an action potential. A 2d action potential 'absolutely' cannot occur at this time. But afterwards the Na+ ion channels in this part of the membrane take closed can they react to a second stimulus.

The relative refractory catamenia (RRP) occurs during the hyperpolarization phase. The neuron membrane is more negatively-charged than when at resting country; Thou+ ion channels are only just starting to close. Withal, all sodium ion channels are closed so it is – in principle – possible to initiate a second activeness potential. This requires a stronger stimulus as the intracellular infinite is more negatively charged. To excite a neuron by reaching the threshold level of 55 mV, a greater stimulus is required. It is, therefore, 'relatively' difficult but not incommunicable to start up a second action potential during the relative refractory catamenia.

The relative refractory menses is extremely of import in terms of stimulus strength. The rate at which a neuron transmits action potentials decides how of import that stimulus is. At that place is no such thing as a weak or strong activeness potential every bit all require the same level of electric or chemical stimulus to occur. Either threshold level is achieved and the neuron fires, or it does not.

It is the firing rate not the firing strength that causes dissimilar effects. For instance, in depression lite levels, cells in the retina of the middle transmit fewer activity potentials than in the presence of vivid lite. We see much better when light levels are high because more data is passed from the retina to the brain in a curt fourth dimension.

lightbulb dim bright light
The brighter the light, the higher the optic nervus firing charge per unit

Effective Refractory Flow

In heart pacemaker cells that act very similarly to neurons, another type of refractory catamenia exists – the effective refractory flow or ERP.

heart conduction erp effective refractory period
We tin can calculate the cardiac refractory menses on an ECG

This timespan occurs at the same time as the ARP but ends immediately before the RRP. It is often ignored in textbooks, as is the instance in the higher up prototype. We should imagine the absolute refractory period ending a millimeter or 2 before the relative refractory flow in the in a higher place diagram. The effective refractor period covers all of the time within the ARP every bit well as those last millimeters.

At this point, sodium ion channels accept closed and information technology is possible to generate a second action potential. Yet, unlike the RRP, the effective refractory period does non allow conduction. In this example, the ERP of myocardial cells stops the heart from contracting prematurely and upsetting the heart rhythm.

Refractory Period in Psychology

The word refractory means stubborn or resistant to a process. In terms of action potentials and neurons, this is cocky-explanatory. A neuron is resistant to a second action potential during refractory periods.

psychological refractory period delay behavior execution
The psychological refractory period timescale

In psychology, refractory period means a delay in response. This is non something to exercise with our intelligence simply our reaction times – this refractory menses is, therefore, also to do with our nerve pathways only on a broader scale. The psychological refractory period (PRP) describes existence unable to react to a 2d stimulus equally the body and/or encephalon is still decorated responding to a first stimulus.

For example, when drinking alcohol, our reactions and reflexes are impaired. The presence of alcohol together with some other task affects our reaction speed. If you drive a car nether the influence and the car in front end of yous brakes suddenly, your reflex to brake will be slower than if not drinking. If, as the car in front brakes, a passenger in the automobile asks a question, the commuter may non hear it. Alternatively, the driver may hear the question very clearly only non see the car in front all of a sudden stop. Their psychological refractory period prevents us from processing ii tasks at once.

drunk driving nighttime car tunnel dark automobile
Drunk driving – alcohol lengthens the PRP

Other biology-related uses for this term be. One example describes the suspension between male orgasm and a second erection. Many sexual aids and medications (such as Viagra) focus on trying to shorten refractory periods in men.

shortening refractory period erection
The sexual refractory period can be frustrating for some



  • Ropper AH, Samuels MA, Klein J, Prasad Southward. (2019). Adams and Victor'south Principles of Neurology, Eleventh Edition. New York, McGraw-Loma.
  • Meriney SD, Faneslow E. (2019). Synaptic Manual. London, Academic Printing.
  • Wardhan, R, Mudgal P. (2017). Textbook of Membrane Biology. Singapore, Springer

During The Relative Refractory Period,


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